Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
A Gesture of Goodwill4641BothThe Hinterlands
A Sticky Situation4842BothThe Hinterlands
Another Message to the Wildhammer48
44HordeThe Hinterlands
Avenging the Fallen4844HordeThe Hinterlands
Cannibalistic Cousins4844HordeThe Hinterlands
Consult Master Gadrin4543HordeThe Hinterlands
Dark Vessels5046Horde
The Hinterlands
Featherbeard's Endorsement4642AllianceThe Hinterlands
Find OOX-09/HL!4843BothThe Hinterlands
Gammerita, Mon!4844HordeThe Hinterlands
Grim Message4235BothThe Hinterlands
Gryphon Master Talonaxe4338AllianceThe Hinterlands
Hunt the Savages4844HordeThe Hinterlands
In Pursuit of Featherbeard4642AllianceThe Hinterlands
Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village5144Horde
The Hinterlands
Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!5146HordeThe Hinterlands
Lard Lost His Lunch4944Horde
The Hinterlands
Message to the Wildhammer48
44HordeThe Hinterlands
Oran's Gratitude4742Both
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Preying on the Predators4439AllianceThe Hinterlands
Reclaiming the Eggs4642AllianceThe Hinterlands
Recover the Key!5146HordeThe Hinterlands
Rescue OOX-09/HL!4843Both
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Return to Fel'Zerul4440HordeThe Hinterlands
Return to Primal Torntusk5146Horde
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Return to the Hinterlands4742AllianceThe Hinterlands
Rhapsody Shindigger4338AllianceThe Hinterlands
Rhapsody's Kalimdor Kocktail4338AllianceThe Hinterlands
Rhapsody's Tale4338AllianceThe Hinterlands
Rin'ji is Trapped!4742HordeThe Hinterlands
Rin'ji's Secret4745HordeThe Hinterlands
Saving Sharpbeak5140Alliance
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Separation Anxiety5046Horde
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Skulk Rock Clean-up4840AllianceThe Hinterlands
Snapjaws, Mon!5044Horde
The Hinterlands
Stalking the Stalkers4844HordeThe Hinterlands
Summoning Shadra55
40HordeThe Hinterlands
Thadius Grimshade4740AllianceThe Hinterlands
The Altar of Zul4840AllianceThe Hinterlands
The Ancient Egg5040BothThe Hinterlands
The Divination4742AllianceThe Hinterlands
The Final Message to the Wildhammer50
The Hinterlands
Troll Necklace Bounty4540BothThe Hinterlands
Troll Necklace Bounty4543BothThe Hinterlands
Undamaged Venom Sac4540HordeThe Hinterlands
Venom Bottles4341HordeThe Hinterlands
Venom to the Undercity5540Horde
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Vilebranch Hooligans4844HordeThe Hinterlands
Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions5144Horde
Pick one:
The Hinterlands
Witherbark Cages4540AllianceThe Hinterlands