Reclaiming the Eggs
Gather 5 Gryphon Eggs and return them to Ambassador Rualeth at Aerie Peak.Gryphon Egg (5) |
Featherbeard's Map |
Looking over the remains, you surmise that this broken and battered skeleton must be all that is left of Featherbeard. Clutched in one skeletal hand is a torn and stained sheaf of paper. You gently remove and unroll it, revealing a hand-drawn map and a few hastily scrawled notes.The map appears to be a rendering of Shadra'Alor and its three temples with 'x' marks in several places, presumably the locations of the stolen eggs. You place the map in your pack for inspection at a safer location.
Also, you get: 1 30Progress
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2.5 Reputation with Exodar