Wanted: Durn the Hungerer - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Wanted: Durn the Hungerer

Slay Durn the Hungerer. Return to Warden Bullrok if you manage to complete this task.
Durn the Hungerer slain
Suggested Players [5]


You have destroyed two of the biggest threats in Nagrand, <name>. Are you ready to take on the scourge of the Spirit Fields?

Durn the Hungerer lords over the area surrounding Oshu'gun, decimating all in his path. Thus far, none have been able to rid Nagrand of this ferocious gronn. Gather your allies and venture to the Spirit Fields, far southwest of here, near Oshu'gun, and track down Durn. Slay him and I assure you rewards commensurate with the difficulty of the task at hand.


You can choose one of these awards:
Azure Lightblade
Hungering Bone Cudgel
Crystalline Kopesh
Also, you get: 11 10




Upon completion of quests, get: