The Mag'har - Factions - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Group: The Burning Crusade
  • Side: Horde

The Mag'har

This reclusive group of brown-skinned orcs has escaped any form of demonic corruption. They have retained their traditional way of life in the face of great changes in Outland.

Bleeding Hollow Orphan8 - 15A HHumanoid
Bleeding Hollow Refugee42 - 68A HHumanoid
Debilitated Mag'har Grunt58A HHumanoid
Earthcaller Ryga63A HHumanoid
Elder Ungriz68A HHumanoid
Elder Yorley67A HHumanoid
Elkay'gan the Mystic68A HHumanoid
Farseer Corhuk68A HHumanoid
Farseer Kurkush68A HHumanoid
Farseer Margadesh68A HHumanoid
Garadar Defender70
A HHumanoid
Garadar Guard Captain70A HHumanoid
Garadar Wolf Rider70
A HHumanoid
A HHumanoid
Gorkan Bloodfist68
A HHumanoid
Greatmother Geyah??
A HHumanoid
Karrtog70A HHumanoid
Mag'har Captive62A HHumanoid
Mag'har Grunt61A HHumanoid
Mag'har Hunter62 - 63A HHumanoid
Mag'har Pitfighter66A HHumanoid
Mag'har Prisoner60 - 65A HHumanoid
Mag'har Watcher62 - 63A HHumanoid
Mathar G'ochar60 - 66A HHumanoid
Matron Celestine63A HHumanoid
Matron Drakia64A HHumanoid
Matron Qualia60 - 66A HHumanoid
Matron Tikkit65A HUncategorized
Nula the Butcher65 - 66A HHumanoid
Osrok the Immovable60 - 66A HHumanoid
Provisioner Braknar61
A HHumanoid
Provisioner Nasela65A HHumanoid
Saurfang the Younger70
A HHumanoid
Seer Nakha67A HHumanoid
Stabled Bear60 - 68A HBeast
Stabled Boar60 - 68A HBeast
Stabled Panther60 - 68A HBeast
Stabled Raptor60 - 68A HBeast
Stabled Tallstrider60 - 68A HBeast
Sunspring Post Orphan8 - 15A HHumanoid
Sunspring Post Refugee47 - 49A HHumanoid
Tamed Ravager62 - 63A HBeast
Vanteg60 - 66A HHumanoid
Warden Bullrok70
A HHumanoid
Wilda Bearmane60 - 66A HHumanoid