Sul'lithuz Broodling - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 39
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Uncategorized
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 670
  • Mana: 3075
  • Damage: 16 - 34

Sul'lithuz Broodling

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Squishy Basilisk Eye1Junk33
Intact Basilisk Spine1Junk33
Curved Basilisk Claw1Junk32
Large Basilisk Tail1Junk32
Strong Iron Lockbox35Junk0.8216
Citrine40Simple Gem0.4108
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.2396
Pattern: Dusky Leather Leggings33Leatherworking Pattern0.12
Large Knapsack35Bag0.1027
Schematic: Goblin Land Mine39Engineering Schematic0.08
Pattern: Guardian Cloak37Leatherworking Pattern0.08
Jade35Simple Gem0.0685
Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer34Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe40Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass39Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Plans: Polished Steel Boots37Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Pattern: Earthen Silk Belt39Tailoring Pattern0.06
Robe of the Magi4035Cloth Armor0.0556(2)
Elemental Raiment4136Cloth Armor0.0556(2)
Hellslayer Battle Axe4035Two-Handed Axe0.0556(2)
Speedsteel Rapier4136One-Handed Sword0.0556(2)
Sword of the Magistrate4136Two-Handed Sword0.0556(2)
Grim Reaper4035Polearm0.0556(2)
Gazlowe's Charm4136Misc. (Armor)0.0556(2)
Crushridge Bindings4136Mail Armor0.0556(2)
Necklace of Calisea4338Misc. (Armor)0.0556(4)
Basilisk Hide Pants4338Leather Armor0.0556(4)
Thornstone Sledgehammer4237Two-Handed Mace0.0556(4)
Blazing Emblem4338Misc. (Armor)0.0556(4)
Umbral Crystal4338Misc. (Armor)0.0556(4)
Jaina's Firestarter4237Wand0.0556(4)
Ogron's Sash4237Leather Armor0.0556(4)
Skeletal Shoulders4338Mail Armor0.0556(4)
The Silencer4237Gun0.0556(4)
Midnight Mace3833One-Handed Mace0.05(8)
Black Duskwood Staff3833Staff0.05(8)
Scorpion Sting3934One-Handed Sword0.05(8)
The Ziggler3934Dagger0.05(8)
Skystriker Bow3934Bow0.05(8)
Skullance Shield3833Shield0.05(8)
Pads of the Venom Spider3833Cloth Armor0.05(8)
Enchanted Kodo Bracers3934Leather Armor0.05(8)
Wing of the Whelpling3833Cloth Armor0.05(8)
Firemane Leggings3934Mail Armor0.05(8)
Pattern: Spider Belt36Tailoring Pattern0.03
Pattern: Swift Boots40Leatherworking Pattern0.03
Plans: Jade Serpentblade35Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Frost Tiger Blade40Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Golden Scale Leggings34Blacksmithing Plans0.02