Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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  • expendable (Learning)
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Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer

Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer
Item Level: 34

Requires Blacksmithing (170)
Use: Teaches you how to make a Golden Iron Destroyer.

Ward Guardian26
A HHumanoid0.14
Writhing Mage58 - 59
A HUndead0.12
Salma Saldean20A HHumanoid0.1147
Maraudine Stormer39 - 40A HHumanoid0.1
Grandpa Vishas34
A HHumanoid0.08
Irradiated Horror28 - 29
A HElemental0.08
Mudrock Burrower39 - 40A HBeast0.062
Eliza30A HUndead0.06
Stonard Explorer37 - 38A HHumanoid0.06
Kegan Darkmar35A HHumanoid0.06
Ley Hunter39 - 40A HDemon0.06
Chimaera Matriarch28A HBeast0.06
Arcane Nullifier X-2127
A HMechanical0.06
Death's Head Geomancer35
A HHumanoid0.06
Sul'lithuz Broodling39A HUncategorized0.06
Rynthariel the Keymaster29
A HHumanoid0.06
Venture Co. Lumberjack34 - 35A HHumanoid0.04
Chieftain Nek'rosh26A HHumanoid0.04
Boulderfist Shaman38 - 39A HHumanoid0.04
Highperch Patriarch30 - 31A HBeast0.04
Silithid Hive Drone33 - 34A HUncategorized0.04
Razorfen Earthbreaker30 - 31
A HHumanoid0.04
Shadowforge Ruffian35 - 36A HHumanoid0.04
Skeletal Frostweaver35 - 36
A HUndead0.04
Tomb Fiend35A HUndead0.04
Swirling Vortex33 - 34A HElemental0.04
Boiling Elemental27 - 28A HElemental0.04
Whirlwind Shredder32 - 34A HElemental0.04
Greater Kraul Bat26
A HBeast0.033
Murkgill Forager35 - 36A HHumanoid0.03
Nightbane Dark Runner28 - 29A HHumanoid0.02
Nightbane Vile Fang29 - 30A HHumanoid0.02
Bone Chewer26 - 27A HUndead0.02
Zzarc' Vul30A HHumanoid0.02
A HUndead0.02
Nightbane Shadow Weaver27 - 28A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Warrior33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Scout34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Berserker36 - 37A HHumanoid0.02
Plague Spreader27 - 28A HUndead0.02
Bloodscalp Witch Doctor37A HHumanoid0.02
Skullsplitter Warrior39 - 40A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Headhunter36 - 37A HHumanoid0.02
Venture Co. Strip Miner40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Young Stranglethorn Tiger30 - 31A HBeast0.02
Stranglethorn Tiger32 - 33A HBeast0.02
Young Panther30 - 31A HBeast0.02
Shadowmaw Panther37 - 38A HBeast0.02
Lashtail Raptor35 - 36A HBeast0.02
Jungle Stalker40 - 41A HBeast0.02
Crystal Spine Basilisk34 - 35A HBeast0.02
Bloodscalp Axe Thrower33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Skullsplitter Axe Thrower39 - 40A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Shaman33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Beastmaster34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Mystic34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Scavenger33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Panther32 - 33A HBeast0.02
Adolescent Whelp34 - 35A HDragonkin0.02
Dreaming Whelp35 - 36A HDragonkin0.02
Lost One Fisherman35 - 36A HHumanoid0.02
Lost One Hunter36 - 37A HHumanoid0.02
Swampwalker38 - 39A HElemental0.02
Swamp Jaguar36 - 37A HBeast0.02
Stranglethorn Tigress37 - 38A HBeast0.02
Splinter Fist Fire Weaver26 - 27A HHumanoid0.02
Nightbane Worgen26 - 27A HHumanoid0.02
Nightbane Tainted One30 - 31A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Jungle Fighter32 - 33A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Commando34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Elite36 - 37A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Medicine Man32 - 33A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Headshrinker34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Witch Doctor36 - 37A HHumanoid0.02
Rotted One25 - 26A HUndead0.02
Kurzen Shadow Hunter38A HHumanoid0.02
Mottled Scytheclaw25 - 26A HBeast0.02
Monstrous Ooze25 - 26A HUncategorized0.02
Dragonmaw Raider23 - 24A HHumanoid0.02
Dragonmaw Swamprunner23 - 24A HHumanoid0.02
Dragonmaw Centurion24 - 25A HHumanoid0.02
Dark Iron Dwarf27 - 28A HHumanoid0.02
Dark Iron Saboteur28 - 29A HHumanoid0.02
Dark Iron Tunneler29 - 30A HHumanoid0.02
Dark Iron Demolitionist30 - 31A HHumanoid0.02
Sawtooth Crocolisk38 - 39A HBeast0.02
Elder Stranglethorn Tiger34 - 35A HBeast0.02
Venture Co. Miner34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Venture Co. Geologist35 - 36A HHumanoid0.02
Venture Co. Mechanic34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Mistvale Gorilla32 - 33A HBeast0.02
Mosh'Ogg Brute36 - 37A HHumanoid0.02
Saltwater Crocolisk35 - 36A HBeast0.02
Snapjaw Crocolisk35 - 36A HBeast0.02
Splinter Fist Firemonger28 - 29A HHumanoid0.02
Fetid Corpse29 - 30A HUndead0.02
Bluegill Raider28 - 29A HHumanoid0.02
Elder Mistvale Gorilla40 - 41A HBeast0.02
Bloodsail Raider40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Defias Insurgent24
A HHumanoid0.02