Conqueror's Greaves - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Buy for: 21 12 79
  • Sells for: 4 22 55
  • Disenchantable (225)
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Conqueror's Greaves

Conqueror's Greaves
Item Level: 78

Binds when picked up
Armor: 689
+17 Agility
+21 Strength
+23 Stamina
Durability 75 / 75
Classes: Warrior
Requires Level: 60
Equip: Increases defense rating by 6.

Conqueror's Battlegear (0/5)
Set (3 items): Decreases the rage cost of all Warrior shouts by 35%.
Set (5 items): Increase the Slow effect and damage of Thunder Clap by 50%.