Wildheart Kilt - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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  • Disenchantable (225)
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Wildheart Kilt

Wildheart Kilt
Item Level: 61

Binds when picked up
Armor: 150
+14 Intellect
+14 Spirit
+14 Stamina
+13 Strength
+12 Agility
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level: 56

Wildheart Raiment (0/8)
Set (2 items): +200 Armor.
Set (4 items): Increases attack power by 26.
Set (4 items): Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 15.
Set (6 items): When struck in combat has a chance of returning 300 mana, 10 rage, or 40 energy to the wearer.
Set (8 items): +8 All Resistances.