Reflective Dust - Spells - WoW: Burning Crusade database

Reflective Dust

Reflective Dust
Unlimited distance
Instant cast
Spread the dust over the ruins of the Shady Rest Inn to reveal clues. Can only be used at the Shady Rest Inn.


Reflective Dust
Detecting clues at the ruins of the Shady Rest Inn.
Remaining time: 2 min

Details on spell

Duration 2 min
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
cost None
Range 50000 yards (Anywhere)
Cast time Instant cast
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (61) Send Event (15298)
Effect #2 (6) Apply Aura #19: Mod Invisibility Detect (9)
Value: 5000