Mithril Frag Bomb - Spells - WoW: Burning Crusade database

Mithril Frag Bomb

Mithril Frag Bomb
Range: 30 yards
Cast time: 1 sec
Inflicts 149 to 201 Fire damage and incapacitates targets in a 8 yard radius for 2 sec. Any damage will break the effect. Unreliable against targets higher than level 60.


Mithril Frag Bomb
Incapacitated. Any damage will break the effect.
Remaining time: 2 sec

Details on spell

Duration 2 sec
School Fire
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
cost None
Range 30 yards (Medium Range)
Cast time 1 sec
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (2) School Damage
Value: 149
Radius: 8 yards
Effect #2 (6) Apply Aura #12: Mod Stun
Value: 2
Radius: 8 yards