Gava'xi - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 67
  • Requires 65 lvl
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Zerid
  • End: Zerid
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Slay Gava'xi near Oshu'gun and return to Zerid at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.
Gava'xi slain


The presence of rogue ethereals in this area might amuse Gezhe, who sees nothing but opportunity wherever we go, but it's a true threat to the security of our operations.

Their leader, Gava'xi, is a dangerous criminal and I've made it my top priority to see to it that he is neutralized.

If you're looking to make yourself useful, go and take care of Gava'xi. I will see to it that you're rewarded properly.


You can choose one of these awards:
Ethereal Sash
Oshu'gun Relic
Zerid's Vintage Musket
Also, you get: 3 70




Upon completion of quests, get: