Leader of the Darkcrest - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Leader of the Darkcrest

Slay Rajah Haghazed at the Lagoon and return to Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Expedition in Zangarmarsh for a reward.
Rajah Haghazed slain
Suggested Players [2]


A bounty is hereby declared by the Cenarion Expedition on Rajah Haghazed, leader of the Darkcrest naga. Haghazed was last sighted by Cenarion scouts at the Lagoon, in the central southern region of Zangarmarsh.

The Darkcrest have been linked to numerous attacks against the Cenarion Expedition and their leader is considered extremely dangerous.

Those seeking to claim the bounty are advised to report to Warden Hamoot.


You can choose one of these awards:
Cushy Cenarion Walkers
Expedition Mantle
Swift Cenarion Footwear
Hearty Cenarion Cincture
Also, you get: 6 20




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