The Rune of Summoning
Use the Voidstone to summon a Voidwalker in Goldenmist Village, defeat it, and return to Talionia in Silvermoon City.Summoned Voidwalker slain | |
Voidstone |
Voidstone |
The voidstone reveals a vision of a multi-story building haunted by ghostly figures. As the scene sharpens and blurs, other buildings come into view, leading you to believe it is Goldenmist Village.Rooftops and tree canopies suddenly flash by, revealing the way to Goldenmist by following the Elrendar River to the west.
Once there, use the voidstone near the rune of summoning atop the center building and defeat the summoned voidwalker. Only then can you return to your teacher.
You will learn:Summon Voidwalker |