Craftsman's Writ - Lightning Eel
Deliver 30 Lightning Eel and the Craftsman's Writ - Lightning Eel - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.Craftsman's Writ - Lightning Eel | |
Lightning Eel (30) |
Craftsman's Writ - Lightning Eel |
The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.Work Order FS-9:
30 Lightning Eel.
All filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.
Contract is null and void if tampered with or damaged.
-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn
You can choose one of these awards:Insignia of the Crusade | Insignia of the Dawn | ||
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3 Reputation with Argent Dawn