Windrunner Village
Gather 6 Phantasmal Substance and 4 Gargoyle Fragments. Return them to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.Phantasmal Substance (6) | |
Gargoyle Fragment (4) |
<name>, the final battle against the Ghostlands villages is upon you. Windrunner Village to the southwest has been overrun by a large force of the more powerful Scourge shocktroopers; shades and gargoyles. You will be the spearpoint of our offensive by thinning out their numbers.The magisters at the nearby Sanctum of the Sun have made a special request this time; they want the remains from these Scourge to study in hopes of finding creative ways of fighting them.
Good hunting!
You can choose one of these awards:Arcanist's Dagger | Salvaged Mail Leggings | ||
Padded Running Shoes | Arcanist's Wand | ||
Upon completion of quests, get:- 30 Reputation with Tranquillien