Target: Hive'Regal Spitfires
Kill 30 Hive'Regal Spitfires and report back to Commander Mar'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus. You must also bring Combat Task Briefing IX in order to complete this quest.Hive'Regal Spitfire slain (30) | |
Combat Task Briefing IX |
Combat Task Briefing IX |
As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations. You've been selected to partake on an assault on Hive'Regal where your primary target will consist of the airborne Hive'Regal spitfires.Report back to Commander Mar'alith after your task is completed.
You will receive:Cenarion Combat Badge |
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3 Reputation with Cenarion Circle