The Only Prescription
Additional requirements to obtain this quest:- Your reputation with Brood of Nozdormu must be at least Neutral
Draconic For Dummies: Volume II |
Magical Book Binding |
I should have known. My arch-enemy, Doctor Weavil, up to his old tricks! And now, thanks to your failure in Winterspring, Doctor Weavil has destroyed my book! How are you going to save the world now, hero?The note I received stated that the only known copy of "Draconic for Dummies: Volume II" was ripped into 8 parts and scattered to the wind! If you somehow manage to find those missing chapters, use this magical binding to put them back together and return to me.
You will receive:Gnomish Turban of Psychic Might |
Upon completion of quests, get:- 1.5 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu