Thirst Unending
Use your Mana Tap racial ability on creatures with mana six times, then return to Arcanist Helion.Mana Tap creature (6) [Mana Tap] |
If there is only one lesson you deign to remember from your time on Sunstrider Isle, let it be this - control your thirst for magic. It is a thirst unending, <name> - you must absorb energy to survive via Mana Tap, and you must control how you release it via Arcane Torrent. Failure is to become one of the Wretched... hopelessly addicted and insane.Seek out creatures on the isle that have mana and Mana Tap them. Learn to master your cravings of power. When you have sufficiently fed, return to me.
You can choose one of these awards:Green Chain Gauntlets | Vigorous Bracers | ||
Striding Pants |
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2.5 Reputation with Silvermoon City