Ribbons of Sacrifice - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 60
  • Requires 60 lvl
  • Side: Horde
Closes Quests
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Ribbons of Sacrifice

Bring the Ribbons of Sacrifice to Captain Shatterskull so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf.
Warsong Gulch Ribbon of Sacrifice


I understand that it can be difficult at times to come out on top in Warsong Gulch. Still, your effort on our behalf - even when victory is not achieved - is important.

Should you complete one of the trials inside Warsong Gulch and not achieve victory, you will still receive a Ribbons of Sacrifice. Bring it to me so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf... even if you weren't able to win this time.
