Material Assistance
If you are interested in helping Sagorne Crestrider in Orgrimmar's Valley of Wisdom, bring him an Azerothian Diamond and a Pristine Black Diamond.Azerothian Diamond | |
Pristine Black Diamond |
<name>, there is a pressing matter I hope you can help with... both materially and spiritually. Allow me to explain.Within the depths of the Scholomance in Lordaeron is a chamber called the Great Ossuary. I need to complete a device that would pierce the shadows of this horrid room. To finish what I have started, I need two diamonds: an Azerothian and a Pristine Black. These are not trivial items, I know - I just don't have the resources myself.
Could you provide me with one of each?
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3.5 Reputation with Darkspear Trolls