Speak with Prospector Stonehewer - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 60
  • Requires 2 lvl
  • Type: PvP
  • Side: Both
1.Speak with Prospector Stonehewer
Open Quests
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Speak with Prospector Stonehewer

Speak with Prospector Stonehewer in the Dun Baldar garrison.


Ah, <name>, reporting for duty are you? Great, the Stormpikes can use everyone we can muster!

Speak with Prospector Stonehewer in Dun Baldar. She's recruiting for a vital mission into enemy territory. You'll find Stonehewer in the bottom of the Dun Baldar garrison.

And keep an eye out as you go through Dun Baldar. There's plenty to do for a hardworking <class> who's not afraid to get <his/her> hands dirty.