Tremors of the Earth - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 50
  • Requires 40 lvl
  • Side: Alliance
  • Start: Garek
  • End: Garek
2.Tremors of the Earth
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Tremors of the Earth

Use the Sign of the Earth to activate the Pillars of Amethyst, Opal, and Diamond and obtain the Runestones.

Place the runestones in the Seal of the Earth to free Blacklash and Hematus.

Slay them and return Blacklash's Bindings, the Chains of Hematus, and the Sign of the Earth to Garek.
Blacklash's Bindings
Chains of Hematus
Sign of the Earth
Provided Item:
Sign of the Earth


It has become obvious that we cannot ensure that Blacklash and Hematus will remain imprisoned in Lethlor. That black dragons have taken up residence there, and that the ogres managed to steal the Sign indicates that more drastic measures will have to be taken.

The drakes' prison is maintained by three runestones that may only be retrieved using the Sign of the Earth. Those runestones can then be used to break the seal which imprisons them.

<name>... assure that their dreams are eternal.


You can choose one of these awards:
Blazewind Breastplate
Prismscale Hauberk
Warforged Chestplate
Mindburst Medallion




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