- Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 70
  • Requires 70 lvl
  • Type: Raid
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Neiferiz
  • End: Neiferiz
Open Quests
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Deal with the universal currency.
Talk to Talmund and take a look at Legendary weapons
Exchange Emblems of Triumph for Moon Coins at Gritena
Purchase a buff scroll
Custom Credit Marker slain


Moon Coins are a universal currency used to purchase various items such as raid chests, keys, scrolls, and other special goods. Emblems of Triumph are the most valuable currency and are used to purchase Legendary weapons, considered the most powerful weapons of all. Additionally, Triumph Emblems can be exchanged for Moon Coins at the player's discretion. You can obtain this unusual currency by completing various tasks, defeating bosses, participating in arenas, and battlegrounds.

