- Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Requires 70 lvl
  • Type: Raid
  • Side: Both
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Kill the kobold king, prince and princess in their lair.
Kobold Prince killed
Kobold Princess killed
Kobold King killed


Kobolds continue to steal gifts in huge quantities! They take them to their lair, where the King, Prince and Princess dwell! No more sleep grenades! You need to ruthlessly deal with them in order to stop gifts stealing!

Collect snowballs in drifts near Shattrath Christmas tree - use them in fight with kobold lords. Without them it will be difficult adventure!

Use the portal to teleport to kobold lair. Inside you will meet ?hristmas elves who will help you.

Dungeon maximum capacity is 5 players.


You will receive:
Christmas Gift

