Return to Lewis
Buy a gryphon ride to Sentinel Hill from the gryphon master Dungar Longdrink, then take Osric's Crate to Lewis at Sentinel Hill.Osric's Crate |
Osric's Crate |
The gryphon master in Westfall is Thor. If you've spoken to him before, then you can take one of my gryphons to him.That's a good lesson to know: gryphons are always trained to fly to their capital city, but they'll only take you to a remote gryphon master after you've already been there.
You've already been to Thor, so just speak with me again when you're ready to take a gryphon to Westfall. Once there, you can deliver Osric's Crate to Quartermaster Lewis.
Also, you get: 3 50Progress
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3.5 Reputation with Stormwind