The Perenolde Tiara - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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The Perenolde Tiara

Bring the Perenolde Tiara to Remington Ridgewell in Stormwind.
Perenolde Tiara


The Perenolde Tiara is an old heirloom of the Perenolde "nobles" - the ruling family of Alterac before that kingdom fell to ruin. It is said to have been crafted by master jewelers in Ironforge, and fitted with the finest of emeralds.

When Alterac was destroyed the Tiara was lost, but there are rumors that an Ogre Mage, Grel'borg the Miser, found the tiara and now wanders the Ruins of Alterac searching for more treasures.

We would have you acquire the tiara for us.


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