Dousing the Flames of Protection - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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2.Dousing the Flames of Protection
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Dousing the Flames of Protection

Using the Purified Moon Well Water, douse the flames of the four braziers of protection within Shadow Hold in Felwood, then return to Greta Mosshoof in the Emerald Sanctuary.
Extinguish the Brazier of Pain [Sprinkling Purified Water]
Extinguish the Brazier of Malice [Sprinkling Purified Water]
Extinguish the Brazier of Suffering [Sprinkling Purified Water]
Brazier of Hatred [Sprinkling Purified Water]
Provided Item:
Purified Moonwell Water


Now, you must return to Jaedenar. The braziers are more than likely spread throughout Shadow Hold. Douse each of their flames and the protections the Council has set up will fall for at least a short period of time. I will be waiting for that to happen. When it does, I will look deep within the Hold and try to find out who the head of this beast is. Then, and only then, will we see about attacking them directly.

