Daily Delivery - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Daily Delivery

Deliver the Bundle of Crocolisk Skins to James Halloran, the tanner, in Menethil Harbor.
Bundle of Crocolisk Skins
Provided Item:
Bundle of Crocolisk Skins


Greetings, traveler!

Don't suppose you might be heading in the direction of Menethil, would you? If you're not, I'd suggest you stop there, it's a good place to purchase goods and even have a pint and relax.

Now, if it just so happens that you're heading in that direction, I don't suppose you'd mind taking this bundle of crocolisk skins to James Halloran, the tanner?

I'd do it myself, but my wife's been in quite a mood lately, and I'd like to put off facing her as long as possible.


Also, you get: 7




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