Disharmony of Fire
Enter Blackrock Depths and track down Lord Incendius. Slay him and return any source of information you may find to Thunderheart.Lord Incendius slain | |
Tablet of Kurniya |
I can taste the foulness in the air that surrounds you, <name>. There is another, hidden in the depths of Blackrock, who does control this foulness.The wind and earth cry his name: Lord Incendius... but someone... something... commands this being. He is merely an emissary.
Find him and discover where his master hides. Return to me when you have collected this information.
You can choose one of these awards:Sunborne Cape | Nightfall Gloves | ||
Crypt Demon Bracers | Stalwart Clutch | ||
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3.5 Reputation with Thunder Bluff