A Noble Brew - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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1.A Noble Brew
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A Noble Brew

Zardeth the Black Claw wants you to bring him a Tear of Tilloa from Darkshire and a Musquash Root from the Wetlands.
Tear of Tilloa
Musquash Root


Lord Wishock is causing quite a stir amongst the House of Nobles. He was made aware of our little "establishment" down here and is lobbying for a full investigation. I have a plan to keep Wishock "preoccupied," but I'll need your help.

There is a flower growing in the Garden of Stalvan on the outskirts of Darkshire. This small white flower is known as the Tear of Tilloa. I will also need a Musquash Root, found only at the very base of the falls far beneath the Stonewrought Dam in the Wetlands.


Also, you get: 25

