A Warden of the Alliance - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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A Warden of the Alliance

Return your ward to the Stormwind orphanage by handing in the Human Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Nightingale in the Cathedral District.
Human Orphan Whistle


You have been so very kind to me, <name>. I never dreamed that I'd have so much fun during Children's Week. Thank you. I don't wanna be sad about what's happened to me and all - my folks always told me to rise above anything bad that happens. You know, when I grow up I wanna be a hero... just like you.

I'm sad to say this, but it's time for me to go home. Let's go back and I'll tell the matron what an awesome person you are!


You can choose one of these awards:
Piglet's Collar
Rat Cage
Turtle Box
Curmudgeon's Payoff




Upon completion of quests, get: