The Corrupter - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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The Corrupter

Slay Lord Azrethoc and Jugkar Grim'rod and return to Takata Steelblade in Desolace.
Lord Azrethoc slain
Jugkar Grim'rod slain


Although I have no knowledge of this Lord Azrethoc, I agree with Maurin, he must be stopped; especially if he is attempting to gain influence over the Burning Blade to further his goals.

You have already shown you wish to aid the Warchief, and I would trust you to gather a party to slay the demon lord and his warlock servant.

When you are ready, head directly south, and return to me when the threat has been ended.


You can choose one of these awards:
Basalt Buckler
Enforcer Pauldrons

