Khan Hratha
Maintain your reputation with the Gelkis, and bring the Maraudine Key Fragment to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village.Maraudine Key Fragment | |
Gelkis Clan Centaur (Friendly) |
<name>, you helped us against the Magram. Now, help us beat the Maraudine! Kill the head of their clan, Khan Hratha!To face him, blow the Maraudine War Horn. It is atop a high bluff in the Valley of Spears.
But to blow the horn, you must gain a warhorn mouthpiece. These are rare, carried only by trusted Maraudine centaur.
After the horn is blown, centaur will come. Kill them until Hratha appears.
Khan Hratha holds the piece of... a key. Bring it to me...
You can choose one of these awards:Gelkis Marauder Chain | Uthek's Finger | ||