Gizmo for Warug - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 35
  • Requires 30 lvl
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Warug
  • End: Warug
3.Gizmo for Warug
Open Quests
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Gizmo for Warug

Maintain your reputation with the Magram, and bring an Advanced Target Dummy to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.
Advanced Target Dummy
Magram Clan Centaur (Friendly)


Long ago, a little gnome came to Desolace. He had horses and a cart, and the cart held strange things. Funny things. Things that burned different colors. Things that moved and weren't alive. I killed the little gnome, but before that... he made me laugh.

I kept my favorite thing from his cart. It was a human made of wood and it waved at me until I hit it and broke it.

I want a new one. Get me a new one!

