A Gnome's Respite
Kill 10 Venture Co. Loggers, and 10 Venture Co. Deforesters and return to Gaxim Rustfizzle in Stonetalon.Venture Co. Logger slain (10) | |
Venture Co. Deforester slain (10) |
You see, <name>, I'm a member of the Enlightened Assembly of Arcanology, Alchemy and Engineering Sciences, and it's my goal... nay, my DUTY! to show the night elves that a blend of magic, mixtures, and mechanisms can help save their forests.But it's a hard fought war, and the goblins reproduce like rabbits it seems. I haven't even had time to build my newest inventions!
I need some time to plan and organize. But to do that, I need your help keeping the goblins at bay in Windshear Crag to the east...
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2.5 Reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles