Show Them Gnome Mercy! - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 68
  • Requires 65 lvl
  • Side: Alliance
  • Start: Toshley
  • End: Toshley
4.Show Them Gnome Mercy!
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Show Them Gnome Mercy!

Toshley wants you to retrieve the Collection of Souls and return it to him at Toshley's Station in the Blade's Edge Mountains.
Collection of Souls


<The blood drains out of Toshley's face.>

These orbs are made up of both nether energy and souls, some of them gnome souls!

How dare they! Were they the ones killing our people that traveled north?!

<name>, you must put a stop to this, and the only way to do that is to finish off their leader, Nexus-Prince Razaan.

You'll have to coax him out of hiding though. I'm guessing that you can do that by killing a lot of his Razaani ethereal.

Bring me the collection of souls that he no doubt has.


You can choose one of these awards:
Gnomish Casting Boots
Toshley's Station Hero's Hat
Razaani-Buster Leggings
Soul Saver's Chest Plate
You will receive:
Power Converter
Also, you get: 7 80

