Anthion's Parting Words - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 60
  • Requires 60 lvl
  • Type: Dungeon
  • Side: Horde
  • Class: Paladin
1.Anthion's Parting Words
Open Quests
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Anthion's Parting Words

Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Lightforge Boots, Lightforge Legplates and Lightforge Spaulders.
Lightforge Boots
Lightforge Legplates
Lightforge Spaulders
Provided Item:
Top Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet


Valthalak's soul was stored in this amulet. In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.

The only way to stop Valthalak's spell is to put the amulet back together. Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces. Speak to him about any rewards you've arranged for.

I, for once, shall rest in peace. I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!


You will receive:
Soulforge Boots
Soulforge Legplates
Soulforge Spaulders