Shrine of Dath'Remar
This Object can be found in
Eversong Woods.
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Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
Eversong Woods
You have discovered the location of the shrine! Upon further examination, you sense a stronger pulse of the strange power that has gripped the Isle. You feel a bit uncomfortable standing by the shrine... and perhaps a little disturbed.
The bronze placard along the side of the shrine reads:
"Here stands the Shrine of Dath'Remar, a fitting tribute to a noble elf. Let all who gaze on this monument remember his sacrifice against the Scourge and his dedication to the cause of our continued survival. All who prosper in Quel'Thalas do so thanks to him."
The bronze placard along the side of the shrine reads:
"Here stands the Shrine of Dath'Remar, a fitting tribute to a noble elf. Let all who gaze on this monument remember his sacrifice against the Scourge and his dedication to the cause of our continued survival. All who prosper in Quel'Thalas do so thanks to him."