U'cha - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 55
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Health: 3398
  • Damage: 66 - 82
  • Armor: 3,271


This NPC can be found in Un'Goro Crater.
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Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater

U'cha's Pelt1Quest100 (Quest)
Gorilla Fang1Quest50
Tuft of Gorilla Hair1Junk34
Empty Barrel1Junk15
Mithril Lockbox50Junk0.1208
Traveler's Backpack55Bag0.08
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.0604
Star Ruby50Simple Gem0.0604
Aegis of Stormwind5449Shield0.05(2)
Viking Warhammer5449One-Handed Mace0.05(2)
Julie's Dagger5550Dagger0.05(2)
Hanzo Sword5550One-Handed Sword0.05(2)
Gryphonwing Long Bow5550Bow0.05(2)
Hydralick Armor5449Plate Armor0.05(2)
Sandals of the Insurgent5449Leather Armor0.05(2)
Deepfury Bracers5550Leather Armor0.05(2)
Dark Phantom Cape5550Cloth Armor0.05(2)
Thorium Ore40Metal & Stone0.04
Pattern: Runic Leather Gauntlets54Leatherworking Pattern0.04
Hammer of the Northern Wind5449One-Handed Mace0.025(5)
Glowing Brightwood Staff5449Staff0.025(5)
Eye of Flame5549Cloth Armor0.025(5)
Stockade Pauldrons5550Plate Armor0.025(5)
Recipe: Limited Invulnerability Potion50Alchemy Recipe0.02
Truesilver Ore40Metal & Stone0.02
Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm49Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Huge Emerald60Simple Gem0.02
Dense Stone45Metal & Stone0.02
Plans: Thorium Belt50Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Thorium Bracers51Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Radiant Boots58Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Pattern: Frostweave Tunic51Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Frostweave Robe51Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Brightcloth Gloves54Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Brightcloth Cloak55Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Chimeric Boots55Leatherworking Pattern0.02
Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina52Enchanting Formula0.02
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit54Enchanting Formula0.02
Imperial Red Pants5449Cloth Armor0.0101(1)
Serpentskin Helm5449Leather Armor0.0101(1)
Serpentskin Leggings5449Leather Armor0.0101(1)
Ebonhold Gauntlets5449Mail Armor0.0101(1)
Ebonhold Girdle5449Mail Armor0.0101(1)
Ebonhold Boots5550Mail Armor0.0101(1)
Ebonhold Helmet5550Mail Armor0.0101(1)
Ebonhold Shoulderpads5449Mail Armor0.0101(1)
Arcane Cloak5550Cloth Armor0.0101(1)
Traveler's Cloak5550Cloth Armor0.0101(1)