Scorpid Duneburrower - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 46 - 47
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Scorpid
  • Health: 2488
  • Damage: 22 - 42
  • Armor: 2,808

Scorpid Duneburrower

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Untested Scorpid SampleQuest100 (Quest)
Mystery Meat30Meat51
Broken Scorpid Leg1Junk50
Empty Venom Sac1Junk45
Dry Scorpid Eye1Junk33
Dried Scorpid Carapace1Junk31
OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon4343Quest10
Recipe: Elixir of Giants49Alchemy Recipe0.2
Reinforced Steel Lockbox45Junk0.1372
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.0686
Star Ruby50Simple Gem0.0686
Plans: Mithril Spurs47Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Shortsword of Vengeance4742One-Handed Sword0.05(4)
Tanglewood Staff4641Staff0.05(4)
Mug O' Hurt4641One-Handed Mace0.05(4)
Forgotten Wraps4641Cloth Armor0.05(4)
Needle Threader4742Bow0.05(4)
Golem Shard Leggings4641Plate Armor0.05(4)
Mountainside Buckler4641Shield0.05(4)
Cassandra's Grace4742Cloth Armor0.05(4)
High Bergg Helm4742Mail Armor0.05(4)
Journeyman's Backpack45Bag0.02
Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm49Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Recipe: Invisibility Potion47Alchemy Recipe0.02
Schematic: Catseye Ultra Goggles44Engineering Schematic0.02
Schematic: Parachute Cloak45Engineering Schematic0.02
Formula: Enchant Shield - Stamina42Enchanting Formula0.02
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit44Enchanting Formula0.02
Recipe: Transmute Water to Undeath55Alchemy Recipe0.02
Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina52Enchanting Formula0.02
Design: The Aquamarine Ward49Jewelcrafting Design0.01
Grinning Axe4944Two-Handed Axe0.0091(5)
Conk Hammer4843Two-Handed Mace0.0091(5)
Ricochet Blunderbuss4843Gun0.0091(5)
Cabalist Leggings4843Leather Armor0.0091(5)
Champion's Wall Shield4843Shield0.0091(5)
Gothic Shield4944Shield0.0091(5)
Champion's Armor4843Mail Armor0.0091(5)
Champion's Leggings4843Mail Armor0.0091(5)
Band of the Unicorn4843Misc. (Armor)0.0091(5)
Hibernal Mantle4843Cloth Armor0.0091(5)
Hibernal Pants4944Cloth Armor0.0091(5)
Hibernal Cowl4843Cloth Armor0.0091(5)
Heraldic Headpiece4843Leather Armor0.0091(5)
Heraldic Leggings4944Leather Armor0.0091(5)
Heraldic Spaulders4843Leather Armor0.0091(5)
Myrmidon's Bracers4843Mail Armor0.0091(5)
Myrmidon's Gauntlets4944Mail Armor0.0091(5)
Myrmidon's Girdle4944Mail Armor0.0091(5)