Kayedaal - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 21000
  • Damage: 284 - 308


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Bands of Syth11268497WristPlate Armor14 58 16
Bloodlord Legplates115701019LegsPlate Armor30 62 53
Bloodsworn Warboots11268780FeetPlate Armor21 95 65
Boots of Righteous Fortitude11570800FeetPlate Armor21 98 48
Boots of the Colossus11570800FeetPlate Armor23 52 22
Boots of the Watchful Heart11570800FeetPlate Armor22 57 72
Bracers of Just Rewards11570509WristPlate Armor14 99 45
Bracers of Slaughter11570509WristPlate Armor14 76 84
Breastplate of Many Graces112681135ChestPlate Armor28 88 93
Breastplate of Righteous Fury115701164ChestPlate Armor31 31 51
Breastplate of the Bold115701164ChestPlate Armor30 61 61
Breastplate of the Righteous115701164ChestPlate Armor30 39 13
Cassock of the Loyal115701019LegsPlate Armor30 5 26
Crimsonforge Breastplate115701164ChestPlate Armor31 42 59
Dauntless Handguards114722HandsPlate Armor14 64 56
Deathforge Girdle11568655WaistPlate Armor16 14 80
Doomplate Chestguard115701164ChestPlate Armor29 71 70
Doomplate Gauntlets11570728HandsPlate Armor15 96 84
Doomplate Legguards115701019LegsPlate Armor31 6 87
Doomplate Shoulderguards11570873ShoulderPlate Armor22 74 77
Doomplate Warhelm11570946HeadPlate Armor23 52 68
Enchanted Adamantite Leggings115701019LegsPlate Armor32 8 18
Fanblade Pauldrons11570873ShoulderPlate Armor23 82
Felsteel Helm115701284HeadPlate Armor22 91 14
Flamebane Breastplate115701164ChestPlate Armor32 19 57
Gauntlets of Cruel Intention11570728HandsPlate Armor16 14 80
Gauntlets of Divine Blessings11570728HandsPlate Armor14 76 84
Gauntlets of Vindication11570728HandsPlate Armor16 8 76
Gauntlets of the Bold11570728HandsPlate Armor15 85 69
Gauntlets of the Righteous11570728HandsPlate Armor14 71 11
Girdle of Gallantry11570655WaistPlate Armor15 51 1
Girdle of Many Blessings11570655WaistPlate Armor15 45 12
Girdle of the Immovable11570655WaistPlate Armor14 93 72
Greathelm of the Unbreakable11268922HeadPlate Armor21 79 67
Greaves of the Shatterer115701019LegsPlate Armor30 61 92
Helm of Sanctification11570946HeadPlate Armor21 98 48
Helm of the Righteous11570946HeadPlate Armor23 51 76
Heretic's Gauntlets11570728HandsPlate Armor15 23 29
Irondrake Faceguard11570946HeadPlate Armor23 60 98
Jade-Skull Breastplate115701164ChestPlate Armor31 8 10
Justice Bearer's Pauldrons11570873ShoulderPlate Armor22 23 84
Khorium Boots11570800FeetPlate Armor23 41 85
Legguards of the Shattered Hand115701019LegsPlate Armor29 38 44
Legplates of the Bold115681019LegsPlate Armor30 39 13
Legplates of the Righteous115701019LegsPlate Armor29 83 9
Life Bearer's Gauntlets11570728HandsPlate Armor15 97 30
Mask of Penance11268922HeadPlate Armor22 71 93
Myrmidon's Headdress115946HeadPlate Armor22 49 88
Obsidian Clodstompers11570800FeetPlate Armor22 91 83
Ornate Boots of the Sanctified11268780FeetPlate Armor22 20 85