Awau - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 21000
  • Damage: 284 - 308


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

A'dal's Gift11588WaistCloth Armor8 94 98
Aran's Sorcerous Slacks11570136LegsCloth Armor18 41 51
Arcanium Signet Bands1157068WristCloth Armor8 52 13
Arcanoweave Robe11570156RobeCloth Armor17 74 30
Bands of Nethekurse1126867WristCloth Armor8 22 48
Bindings of Raging Fire1157068WristCloth Armor8 39 11
Blackstrike Bracers1126967WristCloth Armor8 34 51
Bloodfyre Robes of Annihilation11570156RobeCloth Armor18 40 98
Boots of the Darkwalker11570107FeetCloth Armor12 97 34
Bracers of Divine Infusion1157068WristCloth Armor8 39 11
Bracers of Havok1126967WristCloth Armor8 31 33
Coldwhisper Cord1157088WaistCloth Armor8 74 65
Cord of Belief1157088WaistCloth Armor8 58 55
Cord of Reconstruction1157088WaistCloth Armor8 39 11
Crimson Bracers of Gloom1157068WristCloth Armor9 23 74
Crown of the Sea Witch11570127HeadCloth Armor13 37 85
Curate's Boots114106FeetCloth Armor12 67 45
Demonfang Ritual Helm11570127HeadCloth Armor12 53 66
Devil-Stitched Leggings11570136LegsCloth Armor17 95 94
Don Carlos' Famous Hat115127HeadCloth Armor12 75 3
Duskhallow Mantle11570117ShoulderCloth Armor13 28 35
Embroidered Spellpyre Boots11570107FeetCloth Armor13 22 1
Energis Armwraps1157097HandsCloth Armor8 71 57
Extravagant Boots of Malice11570107FeetCloth Armor13 85 36
Flameheart Bracers1126967WristCloth Armor8 54 44
Flameheart Gloves1147097HandsCloth Armor8 71 50
Flameheart Vest11570156ChestCloth Armor17 63 39
Gloves of Oblivion1157097HandsCloth Armor8 42 37
Gloves of the Deadwatcher1157097HandsCloth Armor8 94 45
Glyph-Lined Sash1157088WaistCloth Armor8 65 24
Hallowed Crown11570127HeadCloth Armor13 22 1
Hallowed Garments11570156RobeCloth Armor18 28 32
Hallowed Handwraps1157097HandsCloth Armor8 39 11
Hallowed Pauldrons11570117ShoulderCloth Armor13 56 72
Hallowed Trousers11570136LegsCloth Armor16 78 23
Hands of the Sun1157097HandsCloth Armor8 45 62
Headdress of Alacrity11570127HeadCloth Armor12 72 92
Hood of Oblivion11570127HeadCloth Armor13 31 78
Hydromancer's Headwrap115127HeadCloth Armor13 2 61
Incanter's Cowl11570127HeadCloth Armor13 12 51
Incanter's Gloves1157097HandsCloth Armor8 78 17
Incanter's Pauldrons11570117ShoulderCloth Armor13 36 53
Incanter's Robe11570156RobeCloth Armor18 21 81
Incanter's Trousers11570136LegsCloth Armor16 98 11
Jaedenfire Gloves of Annihilation1126895HandsCloth Armor8 86 13
Jeweled Boots of Sanctification11268105FeetCloth Armor12 71 61
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration11268133LegsCloth Armor17 8 36
Leggings of the Sacred Crest11570136LegsCloth Armor16 78 23
Light Scribe Bands1157068WristCloth Armor8 68 6
Light-Woven Slippers11268105FeetCloth Armor12 81 53