Kurakam - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 21000
  • Damage: 284 - 308


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Adamantine Repeater11570Crossbow32 80 96
Aegis of the Sunbird11570Shield27 78 63
Apexis Cleaver11570Two-Handed Axe55 74 93
Apexis Crystal Mace11570One-Handed Mace44 27 39
Axe of Shattered Dreams11570Two-Handed Axe52 44 47
Axe of the Nexus-Kings11570Two-Handed Axe55 29 30
Battle-mace of the High Priestess11570One-Handed Mace44 60 39
Blackout Truncheon11268One-Handed Mace41 90 17
Bleeding Hollow Warhammer11570One-Handed Mace45 3 93
Blood Knight Defender11570Shield27 46 82
Bloodfire Greatstaff11570Staff55 28 75
Bloodskull Destroyer11570One-Handed Mace45 71 24
Boggspine Knuckles11570Fist Weapon42 76 96
Bogreaver11570One-Handed Axe42 76 52
Ced's Carver11570Dagger43 10 83
Claw of the Watcher11570Fist Weapon43 74 61
Crystal Pulse Shield11269Shield26 21 52
Crystal-Infused Shiv11570Dagger42 78 72
Crystalforged Sword11570One-Handed Sword44 11 12
Crystalforged War Axe11269Two-Handed Axe53 79 97
Dathrohan's Ceremonial Hammer11570One-Handed Mace42 28 13
Demonblood Eviscerator11570Fist Weapon45 87 51
Draenic Wildstaff11570Staff52 85 16
Dreamer's Dragonstaff11570Staff57 54 74
Edge of the Cosmos11570One-Handed Sword45 21 9
Emberhawk Crossbow11570Crossbow33 53 87
Endbringer11570Two-Handed Sword53 85 79
Epoch-Mender11268Staff53 59 57
Faol's Signet of Cleansing11570Misc. (Armor)13 78 1
Firebrand Battleaxe11570One-Handed Axe44 23 44
Firemaul of Destruction11268Two-Handed Mace52 78 51
Flaming Quartz Staff11570Staff55 54 59
Grand Scepter of the Nexus-Kings11570Staff53 87 43
Greatstaff of the Leviathan11570Staff55 47 99
Greatsword of Forlorn Visions11570Two-Handed Sword52 42 82
Greatsword of Horrid Dreams11570One-Handed Sword44 73 14
Hammer of the Penitent11570One-Handed Mace43 59 65
Hortus' Seal of Brilliance11570Misc. (Armor)8 81 81
Hungering Spineripper11570Dagger44 55 11
Illidari-Bane Claymore115Two-Handed Sword57 14 60
Illidari-Bane Mageblade115Dagger45 39 56
Karrog's Shard11570Misc. (Armor)8 98 57
Lamp of Peaceful Repose11570Misc. (Armor)8 81 81
Latro's Dancing Blade11570One-Handed Sword42 32 97
Latro's Shifting Sword11570One-Handed Sword44 39 27
Lightsworn Hammer11570One-Handed Mace42 28 13
Lordaeron Medical Guide11570Misc. (Armor)13 78 1
Mana Wrath11570One-Handed Sword42 59 80
Manual of the Nethermancer11570Misc. (Armor)8 81 81
Melmorta's Twilight Longbow11268Bow30 60 17