Cyclonian - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 40
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Elemental
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Elemental
  • Health: 4572
  • Damage: 33 - 59
  • Armor: 1,964


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Whirlwind Heart1Quest100 (Quest)
Breath of Wind45Elemental18
Elemental Air25Elemental11
Citrine40Simple Gem0.578
Strong Iron Lockbox35Junk0.578
Large Knapsack35Bag0.26
Pattern: Spider Belt36Tailoring Pattern0.12
Pattern: Guardian Cloak37Leatherworking Pattern0.12
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.12
Robe of the Magi4035Cloth Armor0.0556(2)
Elemental Raiment4136Cloth Armor0.0556(2)
Hellslayer Battle Axe4035Two-Handed Axe0.0556(2)
Speedsteel Rapier4136One-Handed Sword0.0556(2)
Sword of the Magistrate4136Two-Handed Sword0.0556(2)
Grim Reaper4035Polearm0.0556(2)
Gazlowe's Charm4136Misc. (Armor)0.0556(2)
Crushridge Bindings4136Mail Armor0.0556(2)
Midnight Mace3833One-Handed Mace0.05(6)
Black Duskwood Staff3833Staff0.05(6)
Scorpion Sting3934One-Handed Sword0.05(6)
The Ziggler3934Dagger0.05(6)
Skystriker Bow3934Bow0.05(6)
Skullance Shield3833Shield0.05(6)
Pads of the Venom Spider3833Cloth Armor0.05(6)
Enchanted Kodo Bracers3934Leather Armor0.05(6)
Wing of the Whelpling3833Cloth Armor0.05(6)
Firemane Leggings3934Mail Armor0.05(6)
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit44Enchanting Formula0.04
Monk's Staff4237Staff0.011(3)
Skullsplitter Helm4338Mail Armor0.011(3)
Monstrous War Axe4237Two-Handed Axe0.011(3)
Thinking Cap4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Mistscape Bracers4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Mistscape Boots4338Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Imperial Leather Bracers4237Leather Armor0.011(3)
Imperial Leather Gloves4338Leather Armor0.011(3)
Mistscape Mantle4338Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Mistscape Sash4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Imperial Leather Belt4237Leather Armor0.011(3)
Blackforge Cape4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Blackforge Bracers4338Mail Armor0.011(3)
Mistscape Gloves4338Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Imperial Leather Boots4338Leather Armor0.011(3)
Imperial Leather Helm4338Leather Armor0.011(3)
Regal Wizard Hat4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Regal Gloves4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Regal Mantle4237Cloth Armor0.011(3)
Ranger Leggings4338Leather Armor0.011(3)