Chomper - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 26
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 750
  • Damage: 11 - 20
  • Armor: 1,061


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Basilisk Scale1Junk43
Broken Basilisk Teeth1Junk38
Curved Basilisk Claw1Junk26
Intact Basilisk Spine1Junk26
Sharp Claw15Other (Trade Goods)6
Lesser Moonstone30Simple Gem2
Large Fang30Other (Trade Goods)1.7391
Red Fireworks Rocket20Other (Consumables)1.6
Coarse Blasting Powder15Part0.58
Heavy Bronze Lockbox25Junk0.5797
Moss Agate25Simple Gem0.44
Heavy Blasting Powder25Part0.44
Large Red Sack25Bag0.2899
Jade35Simple Gem0.2899
Recipe: Elixir of Lesser Agility28Alchemy Recipe0.14
Plans: Mighty Iron Hammer29Blacksmithing Plans0.14
Copper Modulator13Part0.14
Bronze Framework29Part0.14
Standard Scope2210Device0.14
Plans: Iridescent Hammer28Blacksmithing Plans0.14
Large Brown Sack25Bag0.14
Vibroblade3025One-Handed Axe0.14
Plans: Silvered Bronze Leggings31Blacksmithing Plans0.14
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance27Enchanting Formula0.14
Manual: Strong Anti-Venom26First Aid Book0.05
Supercharger Battle Axe2823Two-Handed Axe0.05
Caverndeep Trudgers3227Mail Armor0.05
Schematic: Bright-Eye Goggles35Engineering Schematic0.05
Dragonmaw Shortsword2823One-Handed Sword0.0112(3)
Tunnel Pick2924Two-Handed Axe0.0112(3)
Madwolf Bracers2924Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Fingerbone Bracers2823Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Black Metal Greatsword2924Two-Handed Sword0.0112(3)
Black Metal War Axe2823Two-Handed Axe0.0112(3)
Glowing Leather Bracers2823Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Magician Staff2924Staff0.0112(3)
Cross Dagger2823Dagger0.0112(3)
Humbert's Chestpiece2823Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Barbarian War Axe2823Two-Handed Axe0.0112(3)
Cavalier Two-hander2823Two-Handed Sword0.0112(3)
Flesh Piercer2924Dagger0.0112(3)
Emblazoned Bracers2823Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Glimmering Cloak2823Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Glimmering Mail Girdle2924Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Humbert's Pants2924Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Garneg's War Belt2924Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Glimmering Mail Bracers2924Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Silver-thread Gloves2823Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Silver-thread Amice2924Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Emblazoned Gloves2924Leather Armor0.0112(3)