Maraudine Bonepaw - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 37 - 38
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Maraudine
  • Health: 1604
  • Damage: 15 - 28
  • Armor: 1,656

Maraudine Bonepaw

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Soft Bushy Tail1Quest54
Red Wolf Meat30Meat46
Mystery Meat30Meat40
Thick Furry Mane1Junk23
Large Fang30Other (Trade Goods)3
Wicked Claw45Other (Trade Goods)1.1976
Jade35Simple Gem0.5988
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.5988
Citrine40Simple Gem0.46
Knightly Longsword3833One-Handed Sword0.0105(2)
Murphstar3934One-Handed Mace0.0105(2)
Cloaked Hood3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Chief Brigadier Gauntlets3833Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Augural Shroud3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Aurora Cowl3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Aurora Gloves3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Aurora Bracers3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Glyphed Buckler3934Shield0.0105(2)
Chief Brigadier Coif3934Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Chief Brigadier Girdle3833Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Aurora Mantle3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Glyphed Epaulets3934Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Circlet of the Order3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Chief Brigadier Boots3934Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Aurora Boots3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Glyphed Mitts3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Glyphed Boots3934Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Glyphed Belt3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Glyphed Helm3934Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Twilight Pants3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Twilight Cowl3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Twilight Mantle3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Sentinel Trousers3934Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Sentinel Cap3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Sentinel Shoulders3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Knight's Breastplate3934Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Knight's Legguards3934Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Knight's Headguard3833Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Knight's Pauldrons3833Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Sentinel Buckler3833Shield0.0105(2)
Knight's Crest3934Shield0.0105(2)
Captain's Cloak3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Tromping Miner's Boots3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Conjurer's Vest3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Conjurer's Robe3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Archer's Jerkin3833Leather Armor0.0105(2)
Renegade Chestguard3833Mail Armor0.0105(2)
Sorcerer Sash3934Cloth Armor0.0105(2)
Sorcerer Cloak3833Cloth Armor0.0105(2)