Bloodfen Scytheclaw - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 37 - 38
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Health: 1604
  • Damage: 15 - 28
  • Armor: 1,667

Bloodfen Scytheclaw

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Raptor Flesh30Meat53
Raptor Hide30Leather51
Smooth Raptor Skin1Junk21
Tribal Raptor Feathers1Junk6
Large Fang30Other (Trade Goods)6
Wicked Claw45Other (Trade Goods)1.424
Strong Iron Lockbox35Junk0.162
Jade35Simple Gem0.065
Plans: Iron Counterweight33Blacksmithing Plans0.065
Stalvan's Reaper3732One-Handed Axe0.05(3)
Poison-tipped Bone Spear3631Polearm0.05(3)
Swampwalker Boots3732Leather Armor0.05(3)
Ring of the Underwood3631Misc. (Armor)0.05(3)
Archaic Defender3631Two-Handed Sword0.05(3)
Reticulated Bone Gauntlets3631Mail Armor0.05(3)
Deadwood Sledge3732One-Handed Mace0.05(3)
Blush Ember Ring3732Misc. (Armor)0.05(3)
Sutarn's Ring3732Cloth Armor0.05(3)
Wolffear Harness3631Leather Armor0.05(3)
Midnight Mace3833One-Handed Mace0.05(5)
Black Duskwood Staff3833Staff0.05(5)
Scorpion Sting3934One-Handed Sword0.05(5)
The Ziggler3934Dagger0.05(5)
Skystriker Bow3934Bow0.05(5)
Skullance Shield3833Shield0.05(5)
Pads of the Venom Spider3833Cloth Armor0.05(5)
Enchanted Kodo Bracers3934Leather Armor0.05(5)
Wing of the Whelpling3833Cloth Armor0.05(5)
Firemane Leggings3934Mail Armor0.05(5)
Large Knapsack35Bag0.032
Citrine40Simple Gem0.032
Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe40Blacksmithing Plans0.032
Knightly Longsword3833One-Handed Sword0.0105(4)
Murphstar3934One-Handed Mace0.0105(4)
Cloaked Hood3833Leather Armor0.0105(4)
Chief Brigadier Gauntlets3833Mail Armor0.0105(4)
Augural Shroud3934Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Aurora Cowl3934Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Aurora Gloves3934Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Aurora Bracers3833Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Glyphed Buckler3934Shield0.0105(4)
Chief Brigadier Coif3934Mail Armor0.0105(4)
Chief Brigadier Girdle3833Mail Armor0.0105(4)
Aurora Mantle3934Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Glyphed Epaulets3934Leather Armor0.0105(4)
Circlet of the Order3833Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Chief Brigadier Boots3934Mail Armor0.0105(4)
Aurora Boots3833Cloth Armor0.0105(4)
Glyphed Mitts3833Leather Armor0.0105(4)