Shadow Charger - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 20 - 21
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Beast - Wolf
  • Health: 1700
  • Damage: 25 - 52

Shadow Charger

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Large Hoof1Junk61
Long Tail Hair1Junk20
Shadowgem20Simple Gem1.76
Inscribed Leather Spaulders2116Leather Armor0.4907
Moss Agate25Simple Gem0.44
Lesser Moonstone30Simple Gem0.32
Tigerseye15Simple Gem0.28
Pattern: Dark Leather Tunic20Leatherworking Pattern0.24
Burnished Pauldrons2217Mail Armor0.2
Seer's Mantle2116Cloth Armor0.2
Large Brown Sack25Bag0.1963
Scouting Spaulders2318Leather Armor0.1963
Laced Mail Belt1914Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Mail Boots2015Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Mail Bracers1611Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Cloak1712Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Mail Gloves1813Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Mail Pants1914Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Mail Shoulderpads2015Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Laced Mail Vest1611Mail Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Shoes1712Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Cloak1813Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Gloves1914Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Pants2015Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Shoulderpads2015Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Vest1712Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Belt1813Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Boots1914Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Bracers2015Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Cloak1611Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Gloves1712Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Pants1813Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Shoulderpads2015Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Patched Leather Jerkin2015Leather Armor0.1351(6)
Blunt Claymore1712Two-Handed Sword0.1351(6)
Short-handled Battle Axe1712Two-Handed Axe0.1351(6)
Chipped Quarterstaff1813Staff0.1351(6)
Battered Mallet1914Two-Handed Mace0.1351(6)
Ornamental Mace1712One-Handed Mace0.1351(6)
Unbalanced Axe1914One-Handed Axe0.1351(6)
Stock Shortsword1914One-Handed Sword0.1351(6)
Simple Buckler1611Shield0.1351(6)
Rectangular Shield1712Shield0.1351(6)
Small Dagger1813Dagger0.1351(6)
Light Hunting Bow1914Bow0.1351(6)
Dirty Blunderbuss1813Gun0.1351(6)
Canvas Belt1813Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Canvas Bracers1914Cloth Armor0.1351(6)
Threshadon Fang1611Dagger0.1351(6)
Face Smasher2116One-Handed Mace0.12