Blacklash - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 50
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Dragonkin
  • React: A H
  • Health: 2215
  • Loot: 6 36.5
  • Damage: 44 - 91
  • Armor: 3,018


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Blacklash's Bindings1Quest100 (Quest)
Ripped Wing Webbing1Junk42
Fiery Gland1Junk25
Star Ruby50Simple Gem1.22
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.7
Reinforced Steel Lockbox45Junk0.42
Mithril Ore40Metal & Stone0.22
Journeyman's Backpack45Bag0.14
Recipe: Limited Invulnerability Potion50Alchemy Recipe0.06
Pattern: Big Voodoo Pants48Leatherworking Pattern0.06
Recipe: Elixir of Giants49Alchemy Recipe0.06
Formula: Enchant Shield - Stamina42Enchanting Formula0.06
Pattern: Frostweave Tunic51Tailoring Pattern0.06
Elven Spirit Claws5045Leather Armor0.05(2)
Six Demon Bag5146Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Cow King's Hide5146Leather Armor0.05(2)
Basilisk Bone5146Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Blanchard's Stout5045Two-Handed Mace0.05(2)
Wand of Allistarj5045Wand0.05(2)
Wyrmslayer Spaulders5146Plate Armor0.05(2)
Horizon Choker5146Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Elven Chain Boots5045Mail Armor0.05(2)
Eye of Adaegus5348Misc. (Armor)0.05(4)
Uther's Strength5247Misc. (Armor)0.05(4)
Dalewind Trousers5247Cloth Armor0.05(4)
Axe of Rin'ji5348One-Handed Axe0.05(4)
Bonesnapper5348One-Handed Mace0.05(4)
Warmonger5247Two-Handed Sword0.05(4)
Mugthol's Helm5247Plate Armor0.05(4)
Battlecaller Gauntlets5348Mail Armor0.05(4)
Serenity Belt5348Cloth Armor0.05(4)
Executioner's Cleaver4843Two-Handed Axe0.05(7)
Serpent Slicer4944One-Handed Sword0.05(7)
Skull Splitting Crossbow4843Crossbow0.05(7)
Blade of the Titans4944Two-Handed Sword0.05(7)
Giantslayer Bracers4843Plate Armor0.05(7)
Skibi's Pendant4944Misc. (Armor)0.05(7)
Blackflame Cape4944Cloth Armor0.05(7)
Winged Helm4843Leather Armor0.05(7)
Belt of the Gladiator4944Mail Armor0.05(7)
Bloodrazor5045One-Handed Sword0.025(8)
Lei of Lilies5146Misc. (Armor)0.025(8)
Wall of the Dead5045Shield0.025(8)
Stonerender Gauntlets5146Mail Armor0.025(8)
Freezing Band5247Misc. (Armor)0.025(9)