Veteran's vendor - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 12422

Veteran's vendor

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Veteran's Band of Dominance12870FingerMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Band of Salvation12870FingerMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Band of Triumph12870FingerMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Chain Bracers12670388WristMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Chain Girdle13670537WaistMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Chain Sabatons13670656FeetMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Dragonhide Belt13670283WaistLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Dragonhide Boots13670336FeetLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Dragonhide Bracers12670216WristLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Dreadweave Belt13670128WaistCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Dreadweave Cuffs1267093WristCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Dreadweave Stalkers13670157FeetCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Kodohide Belt13670283WaistLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Kodohide Boots13670336FeetLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Kodohide Bracers12670216WristLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Lamellar Belt13670959WaistPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Lamellar Bracers12670693WristPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Lamellar Greaves136701172FeetPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Leather Belt13670241WaistLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Leather Boots13670294FeetLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Leather Bracers12670174WristLeather Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Linked Bracers12670388WristMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Linked Girdle13670537WaistMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Linked Sabatons13670656FeetMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Mail Bracers12670388WristMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Mail Girdle13670537WaistMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Mail Sabatons13670656FeetMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Mooncloth Belt13670128WaistCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Mooncloth Cuffs1267093WristCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Mooncloth Slippers13670157FeetCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Ornamented Belt13670959WaistPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Ornamented Bracers12670693WristPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Ornamented Greaves136701172FeetPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Pendant of Conquest12870NeckMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Pendant of Dominance12870NeckMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Pendant of Salvation12870NeckMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Pendant of Triumph12870NeckMisc. (Armor)2,805
Veteran's Plate Belt13670959WaistPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Plate Bracers12670693WristPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Plate Greaves136701172FeetPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Ringmail Bracers12670388WristMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Ringmail Girdle13670537WaistMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Ringmail Sabatons13670656FeetMail Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Scaled Belt13670959WaistPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Scaled Bracers12670693WristPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Scaled Greaves136701172FeetPlate Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Silk Belt13670128WaistCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Silk Cuffs1267093WristCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Silk Footguards13670157FeetCloth Armor13 9 1 2
Veteran's Wyrmhide Belt13670283WaistLeather Armor13 9 1 2